6月16日,礼蓝动保(Elanco Animal Health)发布公告称,礼蓝动保已与生物制药公司Kindred Biosciences(NASDAQ: KIN)达成收购协议,收购完成后,Kindredbio将成为Elanco的全资子公司。其中,Elanco将基于Kindred Biosciences近30天内的平均价格溢价52%,即以每股9.25美元的价格收购Kindred Biosciences的所有流通股(约4700万股,总价约合4.4亿美元),该交易预计将在今年第三季度完成。
当您访问新墨西哥法明顿的圣胡安宠物医院(San Juan Veterinary Hospital)网站时,首页会弹窗通知,如下写道:
……在非接触的情况下,我们增加了我们的远程医疗应用程序 AirVet。我们还通过 PetDesk 更新了我们的预约时间表。当您下载 PetDesk 应用程序时,您就可以要求预约和开处方。它还为我们提供了短信功能,这对错过您的电话有帮助……
申万宏源研究指出:“全球最大动保公司硕腾,2019年上半年收入30亿美元,同比增长8%,归母净利润6.83亿美元,较上期有所下降;美国第二大宠物医疗保险公司Trupanion 2019年上半年收入1.79亿美元,同比增长25%;美国动物健康管理公司Covetrus,2019年上半年收入19.5亿美元,与上年同期基本持平,净利率水平-1.18%,较上年显著下降。”
Some pet investments perform better than others.
Animal owners continue to spend money for their companions whether it's for food, medicine or veterinary care. Since 1994, the pet industry has consistently risen with expenditures topping out at $72.56 billion last year, according to the American Pet Products Association. APPA estimates that the industry will climb to $75.38 billion this year. "There are more opportunities in the pet industry than many investors may realize," says Rich Messina, a senior vice president at E-Trade Financial, a New York-based brokerage company. Here are seven ways to invest in the pet industry, ranging from stocks to a handful of exchange-traded and mutual funds.